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    Electrical Engineering : Know It All - Clive Maxfield

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    Electrical Engineering : Know It All

    Author : Clive Maxfield
    Pages : 1128
    Format : PDF
    Size : 5.8 Mb

    The Newnes Know It All Series takes the best of what our authors have written to create hard-working desk references that will be an engineer's first port of call for key information, design techniques and rules of thumb. Guaranteed not to gather dust on a shelf!
    The Electrical Engineering know it all covers the essential areas of electrical engineering, it is more practical than most of the large EE handbooks, offering tips, tools of the trade, design and applications information along with summarized theory, equations and formulas that are normally found in such books.
    Chapter 1 An Introduction to Electric Circuits
    Chapter 2 Resistance and Resistivity
    Chapter 3 Series and parallel networks
    Chapter 4 Capacitors and Inductors
    Chapter 5 D.c. circuit theory
    Chapter 6 Alternating voltages and currents
    Chapter 7 Complex Numbers
    Chapter 8 Transients and Laplace transforms
    Chapter 9 Frequency Domain Circuit Analysis
    Chapter 10 Digital Electronincs
    Chapter 11 Analog Electronics
    Chapter 12 Circuit simulation
    Chapter 13 Interfacing
    Chapter 14 Microcontrollers and Microprocessors
    Chapter 15 Power Electronics
    Chapter 16 Signals and Signal Processing
    Chapter 17 Filter Design
    Chapter 18 Control and Instrumentation Systems
    Chapter 19 Communications Systems
    Chapter 20 Principles of Electromagnetics
    Chapter 21 MAGNETIC FIELDS
    Chapter 22 Electromagnetic Transients and EMI
    Chapter 23 Traveling Wave Effects
    Chapter 24 Transformers
    Chapter 25 Electromagnetic Machines
    Chapter 26 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)
    Chapter 27 Power Generation
    Chapter 28 Power Transmission and Distribution
    Chapter 29 Power Quality
    Appendix A General reference
    Appendix B